文澜学术系列讲座 第269期 复旦大学经济学院 左雪静 副教授:“Gendered Impacts of Privatization: A Life Cycle Perspective from China”


主题|TopicGendered Impacts of Privatization: A Life Cycle Perspective from China私有化的性别影响:来自中国的生命周期视

时间|Time613日(周四)15: 30-17: 30

地点|Venue:文澴楼711教室|Class Room 711,WENHUAN




左雪静,复旦大学经济学院副教授,China Economic Review副主编。主要研究领域为劳动经济学、实验经济学以及中国经济。主要研究成果发表在 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), Review of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Economic Inquiry 等国际知名经济学期刊,主持国家自然科学基金青年项目。


Over the past three decades, China has experienced a decline in female labor participation despite increasing levels of female education. This paper addresses this puzzle by studying the privatization of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in the 1990s. We find that privatization led to the downsizing of female-dominated sectors and reinforced gender norms. We investigate how this shock prompts women to reassess their life decisions across various stages and how outcomes differ from those for men. By leveraging both regional variations in reform intensity, proxied by initial differences in SOE employment share, and temporal variation in the reform, we find that females were disproportionately affected compared to males. However, these effects varied significantly across different cohorts. Older cohort women were more likely to be laid off due to early retirement policies and less likely to find re-employment. Middle-aged cohort women were less inclined to enter the emerging private sector or pursue entrepreneurship compared to males. Furthermore, younger women faced reduced opportunities in the state sector, leading them to prioritize education and postpone marriage.