文澜学术系列讲座 第177期 新加坡管理大学李光前商学院 凃俊 副教授: “Return Cross-Predictability in Firms with Similar Employee Satisfaction”


主题|TopicReturn Cross-Predictability in Firms with Similar Employee Satisfaction

时间|Time1213号(周五)|Dec. 13th (Friday)3:40-5:15PM

地点Venue文泰114教室Class Room 114WENTAI



凃俊教授于华盛顿大学获得金融学博士学位,现为新加坡管理大学李光前商学院金融学终身职副教授,博士生导师。凃老师的研究领域涉及行为金融、金融科技、文本分析和机器学习、金融计量、资产定价、投资者情绪媒体和资本市场、资产回报预测投资组合管理、公司金融等。他的研究获得多个研究奖项,包括金融研究评论 (Review of Financial Studies) 2015—2016年度最高阅读次数奖和最高被引论文奖,Lee Foundation Fellowship for Research Excellence, Sing Lun Fellowship, Pacific Basin Finance Journal Prize (First Prize), 和华盛顿大学研究奖学金。凃老师目前已经在顶级国际学术期刊上发表多篇学术论文,包括金融经济学杂志Journal of Financial Economics, 金融研究评论 (Review of Financial Studies), 财务定量分析杂志 (Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis),和管理科学 (Management Science)。他也对中国金融问题 (证券, 人民币,及房地产等) 具有深入研究,发表了数篇有影响力的论文。


研究领域|Research Interests




We study the return predictability of similar employee satisfaction (SES) firms using new firm-ranking data of employee satisfaction from Glassdoor. We find that the returns of firm peers with SES have a predictive power for focal firm returns. A long-short portfolio sorted on the lagged returns of SES firm peers yields a significant Fama and French (2018) six-factor alpha of 135 bps per month. This result is distinct from industry and inter-firm momentum effects and cannot be explained by risk-based arguments. Our tests suggest that investors’ limited attention is the primary reason of firms’ underreaction to their SES firm returns.