文澜学术系列讲座 第168期 南京审计大学 彭浪川 助理教授: “差异化的中国‘美貌溢价’:来自CFPS证据”


主题|TopicThe Heterogeneity of Beauty Premium in China: Evidence from CFPS

时间|Time1025号(周五)|Oct. 25th (Friday), 2:00-5:15PM

地点Venue文澴楼709会议室|Meeting Room 709WENHUAN



彭浪川博士,现为南京审计大学助理教授,文章发表于 Social Choice and WelfareJournal of Economic InequalityContemporary Economic PolicyApplied Economic Letters 等国际知名期刊。


研究领域|Research Interests 




Using a nationwide representative sample of the Chinese population, we examine the effect of physical appearance on the hourly wage. We first model a transmission approach from appearance to earnings, then we provide supporting evidence. Empirical results show that good-looking individuals earn roughly 5.4% more than the rest whose looks are considered average or below-average, and bad-looking individuals earn roughly 3.3% less than the rest. Moreover, we explore the different impacts of physical appearance across the wage distribution using the quantile regression approach. The effect of physical appearance at the 0.75 quantile is more than twice as the one at the 0.25 quantile. Our results indicate the importance of taking the heterogeneity into consideration. Compared with quantile regression estimators, traditional OLS estimators only provide the average effects.